KIIT University Suicide,  After Death On Campus – Nepalese Students Thrown Out

Think about it, in the next few days, there is a case in America where a student from a mid-level university where thousands of Indian students are studying, there is some wrong committed with one Indian student Now that student takes a wrong step or there is a fight or a fight, anything can go wrong. The administration tries to suppress that issue instead of solving it or addressing it. when students say wrong has happened and it should be investigated then university says to all Indian students all of you pack up and get out of the campus we do not care, and they are left at a nearby station And where students are being thrown out of the university and are beaten by guards Then our Prime Minister has to intervene to save his life, to facilitate and to ensure that the Indian students who are studying in America, at least their lives are not lost and deaths are not committed. It gives chills, and feels bad just thinking about this and imagine the warden and professors yelling at Indian students don’t raise their voice much. You are a small country, our GDP is higher, you are eating for free here illegality and racial attack I hope this never happens to Indian students.

I hope our Prime Minister never has to intervene to save the lives of his students. But our country did this. The situation of our country’s education has not been hidden from anyone. And now we have established a new era In the world of education, in the path of becoming a world guru, we have established another milestone when Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Aha! The name is so impressive KIIT No, it is absolutely IIT but we have put Kalinga in front of it a very sad incident happens A girl named Prakriti Lamsal a third year B.Tech student Her relationship is with a very disgusting, very shameless, maybe power drunk boy who is being called from Lucknow. I will not take his full name but we will come to his political background later. It is being said that this boy with a political background had a relationship with this girl. The relationship got ruined, became toxic and nowadays it is a trend. Everyone likes animals. Due to this toxic relationship, some people say that blackmail was also happening. A small sample of an abusive relationship… I cannot even Listen, this kind of abusive relationship was going on between the two. The girl went to the International relations officer at the university to register a complaint against the boy but the university did not take any action.

Prakriti Lamsal Suicide

Finally, on the night of 16th February, this girl takes her life when there is a concert going on inside the campus. These are very sad incidents happening in campuses and we keep hearing Today, is not concerned about that. That is already a crisis in our country. But what this university did after that, what KIIT did, Industrial Technology University did, is establish a new trend. how this matter was tried to suppress … and why suppress the male student who is the son of Manoj Srivastav, a BJP leader in UP. Is that why the boy was being saved? but this type of reaction by a university has never been seen … political protest, arrest have become normal But here, see, normalizing this thing that students cannot raise their voice, or protest, how did the university think that we should also punish these people? Bouncers were called, guards were called, students were beaten. Why were they beaten? Because their mistake was that they did not listen to the administration who were trying to suppress it because the kids were saying that you have taken the body in your possession you have tried to get an autopsy done before the parents came you are not letting us raise our voice apparently this boy was also tried to evade so when they stopped the way, when they blocked the path… which is a UAPA level act, no less than terror when blocked in JNU or Jamia, then we say they deserved beating So, because of blocking the way, the administration got a chance to spread this injustice. We will take action against them. See the exhibit, what was the number one action taken. the university is declaring itself closed for a group of students. We have closed it for Nepali students and today itself you will vacate your hostel. And students were beaten up, filled in buses and left at Cuttack railway station… live or die we do not care. Our country is in such a bad state that even the universities are taking inspiration from the government. So now they said that we suppress the voices of the students as well. But here comes the fact that how important it is for you to raise your voice. Students did not stop raising their voices. Everywhere, from digital to mainstream to political, they approached. Finally, the situation became such that the Prime Minister of Nepal had to tweet and activate diplomatic channels Because there, the Nepal Students Union started protested in front of Indian embassy also if Nepali students had not raised their voice, then the university would have been successful in suppressing the case i will come to that in a bit when clips started circulating on social media people started to see barbarity of the university then they realized it is a bad thought process in our education system where warden and professor… and listen what they say Manjusha Pandey … you are telling the children that what are you doing here? feeding you for free… University GDP is more than Nepal.. our founder is feeding 40,000 of you supreme court finds problem with stand up comic, you take action there too But isn’t this more impolite than that? Isn’t this ruining the name of the country?

telling the children that what are you doing here? feeding you for free… University GDP is more than Nepal.. our founder is feeding 40,000 of you

Such disgusting statements. Then when these statements became viral, thank God the students recorded all these things. When this thing started going viral, then it was understood that this matter is getting out of hand. Then the first damage control measure was being done. when a person is caught, he tries to apologize in such a slow manner. Not sorry, clarification Registrar sir, no one else was found to be the scapegoat. The registrar was asked to give a statement and ask the students to come back So the first notice was get out and then the second notice was please come back But even after receiving these other notices, many students were reaching out to us and were showing that NDA was being signed from them and it was being shown that they are being taken back to the hostel as a favour that they had made a mistake, there is no mistake of the college or the university. So this hypocrisy was still going on when there was so much disdain and exposure the college was trying to save itself.

Students hold placards during a protest over the death of a Nepali student at the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), in Bhubaneswar

Finally, after two days, the university understood that this matter is out of control, this matter has spread in Nepal, it has gone viral. Then the university said, let’s give a complete apology. And then you get an apology note where an unqualified apology has been given, love is being showered for the Nepali students, asked to immediately join finally an apology comes when Nepal PM talks with founder of KIIT then the matter was dealt with after dialogue now to call the students back… and Manjusha Pandey who said all that, suspended guards who beat students expelled from jobs this Damage Control Strategy to trap the lowest person There are some important questions here First of all, if a girl took life due to personal grievance no matter how sad this affair no matter how sad the matter was why did the university have to save itself? If something wrong has happened, a girl has taken her life, maybe the university could have done something good in that. Maybe they could have stopped her. But why such a big reaction? Is there an attempt to save this boy? Because the boy is Manoj Srivastava’s son. Manoj Srivastava is a BJP leader in UP. Was there an attempt to save the BJP leader? Achyuta Samanta was from BJD and retired from politics after losing the election. Was Manoj Shrivastava’s son being tried to save? which is why the attitude for Nepali students? Investigation should be done with the statement that the founder feeding 40,000 people then the 20-22 lakh rupees students are giving for their course are they giving it for free? Students have paid for it then what is this attitude for which they are trying to use racial abuse Now after so much pressure, listen, Madam Manjusha is apologizing Nobody is ready to forgive her… because the way she was abusing and racial abuse to students that seemed a different person investigation is needed… This boy, son of Manoj Srivastav, what all he did was the allegation of blackmail. Is it true or not the case angle has to be figured out? The university tried to suppress it, whose decision was to ouster students? police action should be there supreme court is listening to comedians case… but will it take SUO motu cognizance on this remains to be seen remember BHU case and how students protested? student accused back on bail and protesters condition is bad Justice is not given … injustice with Nepali students stopped now… But justice has not been served far and wide yet. Because this boy will have to be investigated in a fast track court. Only then will we understand what the case was. Neither the government, nor the MEA, nor the Education Minister have made any special statement while writing this article.

Nepal is old partner Few years back any student could come from Nepal and study without much paperwork I went to Nepal without a passport and now this way we get into fight and this way if we will keep becoming rude So, one more of our neighbour, our friendly neighbour also went into the water and maybe we want to do the same I think we have made our mission that all our neighbours earlier it was Pakistan but now I think we have to fight with all our neighbours we have to be hostile, we have to be aggressive we have to show our anger, and we have to spoil our relations with everyone. So, on one hand, the girl who was involved in a bad incident in a college, the way the college did not listen to her and she took her life, that is sad in itself. But I think, for the first time in the history of independent India that we have behaved like this with Nepali students, which we call a Hindu neighbor country. The way we have done this to Nepal, that day is not far when all the students from Nepal who come to India, an old relationship, will also end. They will also go to China to study. then we will cry and say they also went and sat in China’s lap.

Somewhere we will have to see our behavior. Somewhere we will have to think about how we became so narrow-minded that after one death a whole community was targeted, college was closed for them. Their PM has to intervene, which is embarrassing for the state. What if tomorrow this behavior happens with Indians in Nepal? then abuses will come from your mouth we will have to think with a cool head where are we going, in which direction are we going If exemplary punishment is not given here to the warden, to the teachers, to the administrative staff and if this boy does not get exemplary punishment properly then other universities will do the same

One great point at last was the students who reached out to, made video recordings, and raised their voices. Because you did the same thing that a Deshbhakt should do for his or her country, Nepal or India You did not let these criminals and antisocial elements go. You recorded them, recorded their voices and videos, and kept raising questions until action was taken. Now, only phase 1 action has been taken where students have been called back.

Phase 2 action will take place when all the people who were responsible for suppressing this will be arrested and action will be taken Sorry video will not work now. Now, we need hard action.

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